Tag Archives: fully funded nursing programs

Fully Funded Nursing Programs in USA, UK and Canada

Hey there, aspiring nurses! We get it – pursuing your passion for nursing is incredibly rewarding, but the financial hurdles can be a real buzzkill. The good news? There are fully funded nursing programs waiting for you in the USA, UK, and Canada. We’re about to dive into the details and even provide you with direct application links. Let’s make those dreams a reality without breaking the bank!

  1. USA: Fulbright Foreign Student Program for Nursing

Imagine studying nursing in the USA with all expenses covered – tuition, textbooks, airfare, and even a living stipend. Sound too good to be true? It’s not! The Fulbright Foreign Student Program is your ticket. Check out the nitty-gritty and apply right here.

  1. USA: National Health Service Corps (NHSC) Scholarship Program

Ready to make a difference in underserved communities? The NHSC Scholarship Program has your back, covering tuition, fees, and throwing in a living stipend. All they ask for in return is your commitment to working in a Health Professional Shortage Area. Get the scoop and apply here.

  1. UK: Chevening Scholarships – Nursing

Jet off to the UK with the Chevening Scholarships – fully funded opportunities for students worldwide. They’ve got your tuition, monthly stipend, travel costs – you name it. Dive into the details and start your journey here.

  1. UK: Commonwealth Scholarship and Fellowship Plan (CSFP) – Nursing

Calling all citizens of Commonwealth countries! The CSFP is your golden ticket to a fully funded education in the UK, covering tuition, living allowances, and more. Ready to take the plunge? Start your application here.

  1. Canada: Canadian Nurses Foundation Scholarships

Canada calling! The Canadian Nurses Foundation is here to support your nursing education with various scholarships. While not all are fully funded, they’re pretty darn close. Explore the opportunities waiting for you here.

  1. Canada: Vanier Canada Graduate Scholarships

Doctoral dreams in Canada? The Vanier Canada Graduate Scholarships have got you covered – tuition, living expenses, and then some. Dive into the details and learn about eligibility right here.


Your dream of becoming a nurse shouldn’t be overshadowed by financial worries. Fully funded nursing programs in the USA, UK, and Canada are waving at you, inviting you to take the leap. Apply, believe in yourself, and let’s turn those nursing dreams into a reality that’s as bright and promising as you are. Best of luck – you’ve got this!

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Top 10 Fully Funded Nursing Programs

Pursuing a career in nursing is a noble and rewarding choice. Aspiring nurses not only require a strong passion for healthcare but also access to quality education. However, the cost of tuition and other expenses can sometimes pose significant barriers. That’s why we’ve compiled a list of the top 10 fully funded nursing programs, offering students the opportunity to pursue their dreams without financial constraints. In this blog post, we’ll explore each program and provide valuable links for further information. We have listed the best fully funded nursing programs for all those students who want to get admission and brighten their future, then check out the give blow list and try to get admission.

Nurse Corps Scholarship Program

Website: https://bhw.hrsa.gov/loans-scholarships/nurse-corps

The Nurse Corps Scholarship Program aims to alleviate the shortage of nurses in underserved communities. This program offers full funding for tuition, fees, and other educational costs in exchange for a commitment to work in a Critical Shortage Facility upon graduation.

National Health Service Corps Scholarship Program

Website: https://nhsc.hrsa.gov/scholarships/index.html

The National Health Service Corps Scholarship Program focuses on supporting students pursuing primary care health professions. Accepted applicants receive full tuition coverage and a monthly stipend in exchange for serving in an underserved community upon graduation.

Veterans Affairs (VA) Nursing Academic Partnership Program

Website: https://www.va.gov/oaa/vanap.asp

The VA Nursing Academic Partnership Program collaborates with schools of nursing to increase the number of nurses prepared to serve the unique healthcare needs of veterans. This fully funded program offers tuition coverage, monthly stipends, and guaranteed employment opportunities at VA medical centers.

Indian Health Service (IHS) Scholarship Program

Website: https://www.ihs.gov/scholarship/

The IHS Scholarship Program supports Native American and Alaska Native students pursuing a career in healthcare. In addition to covering tuition, fees, and other expenses, this program provides a monthly stipend and guarantees a position within an IHS facility upon graduation.

Armed Forces Health Professions Scholarship Program (HPSP)

Website: https://www.goarmy.com/amedd/education/hpsp.html

The Armed Forces HPSP offers full tuition coverage, a monthly stipend, and other benefits to nursing students interested in serving as commissioned officers in the U.S. Army, Navy, or Air Force. In return, scholars commit to serving in the military for a designated period after graduation.

The Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) Scholarships for Disadvantaged Students

Website: https://bhw.hrsa.gov/loans-scholarships/scholarships/disadvantaged

The HRSA Scholarships for Disadvantaged Students provide financial assistance to students from disadvantaged backgrounds. While not exclusive to nursing, this program can support aspiring nurses by covering tuition and fees.

Albert Schweitzer Fellowship

Website: https://www.schweitzerfellowship.org/

The Albert Schweitzer Fellowship offers a year-long leadership development program for graduate students in various health professions, including nursing. Fellows receive financial support to implement a community-based project that addresses the social determinants of health.

HRSA Nurse Faculty Loan Program (NFLP)

Website: https://bhw.hrsa.gov/loans-scholarships/nflp

The HRSA NFLP assists nursing schools in recruiting and retaining qualified faculty by providing low-interest loans to students pursuing a master’s or doctoral degree in nursing education. Up to 85% of the loan can be forgiven if the recipient serves as a full-time nursing faculty member.

Jonas Nurse Leaders Scholar Program

Website: https://www.jonasphilanthropies.org/

The Jonas Nurse Leaders Scholar Program supports doctoral nursing students through full or partial scholarships. This program aims to develop future nursing leaders who will contribute to the improvement of healthcare quality and access.

Tylenol Future Care Scholarship

Website: https://www.tylenol.com/news/scholarship

While not specific to nursing, the Tylenol Future Care Scholarship recognizes students pursuing careers in healthcare. Multiple scholarships are awarded annually, providing financial support to individuals committed to making a positive impact in the field of healthcare.


These top 10 fully funded nursing programs are an excellent opportunity for aspiring nurses to pursue their educational goals without the burden of financial constraints. Each program offers unique benefits and commitments, enabling students to contribute to underserved communities or specialized fields. Explore the provided links to gain further insights into these programs and take the first step toward a fulfilling career in nursing.

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